October 6, 2015

Rain, rain go away....

Hello from a very wet London!!So here we are with a few days at home before our concert in Bath Abbey on Thursday. At the weekend it was great to catch up with Gemma, who had just got back from a friend's wedding in Germany, and to have some home-cooked meals! I'm also feeling pretty grown-up at the moment as we have our first tree in the garden from scratch, bought as a wedding present for us by my best man, Miguel. It's an olive tree and I'm trying my hardest not to kill it! Luckily it's been so rainy recently that I don't have to remember to water it every other day but let's hope that it doesn't drown!I'm thoroughly looking forward to our concert in the glorious Bath Abbey on Thursday - it's an amazing building and incredible to think that there's been a place of worship on that very site for well over a thousand years. We're very fortunate to be asked to sing in such awesome places as this, and I really do have to pinch myself every now and again!Bye for now......