March 4, 2017

London, UK

A Saturday off in London! A Saturday off in London!I'm off for brunch. As Fridays and Saturdays are the most popular days for concerts - at least, the kinds of concerts we give - a Saturday without one in the middle of a term is as rare as hen's teeth. I am therefore on the train into Marylebone from Oxford, seeing friends today, and then seeing parents tomorrow. The days seem to be getting longer by the day (I realise that's an interesting turn of phrase), leaves are returning to the trees, and the first flowers of spring are in full bloom. And it's not even raining today. It's marvellous.There's not much more to report. The new album has been finished, which is awesome. Lots of progress is being made with all aspects of the 50th anniversary season. Less progress is being made with my marathon training. I'll check back next week once my running trainers have had a proper workout.