March 27, 2020

Lockdown Blog 8: Houseparty

It's a bit controversial to say this, but: I'm rather enjoying this new pace of life! Now that we're approaching the end of week two in isolation, Vic and I have settled into the *Rhythm of [pandemic] Life and I can happily confirm that living together - in spite of seeing each other basically non-stop, 24/7 - does in fact work pleasingly well! For me, as alluded to in my previous blog, it's the ability to have time to do some of the things I've been wanting to do for the best part of 10 years now, but which I didn't have time to do before with my hectic lifestyle. But also it's taking the time to do the mundane, everyday things, as Stephen Fry discusses in this BBC video update, which comes with an odd sense of satisfaction and appreciation for everything you have.

Went for a springtime walk earlier this week around Hyde Park. This is Kensington Palace.

One of the big changes with a state of lockdown is not getting to be sociable and see friends for coffee, dinner or even a cheeky game of squash, all of which I'm itching to do. However, over the past few days, I've found a temporary fix for this social challenge in the form of "Houseparty". It's a video chat social media service which allows you to meet up with friends virtually in a spontaneous and fun way, whether it's during a lunch break, an afternoon walk round the park or over a G&T in the evening. I've found myself catching up with friends whom I'm sure I wouldn't otherwise have had a chance to see whilst being away on tour; or else hanging out with a couple of chums to start with, then turning into a mix of friends from completely different social circles and then faces (known and unknown) popping in and out of the screen over the course of an evening, everyone with a drink in hand, as if we were actually at a house party! You can also play group games through the video chat, as if you'd started a round of Settlers of Catan at your very own kitchen table... it's great fun; give it a go if you're craving a bit of social time!

Swan Lake

On a different note, the highlight of the week for me has to have been playing the violin and piano with Vic, culminating in a mini-performance of Elgar's gorgeous "Chanson de Matin". We video-recorded ourselves in action and posted this on TKS Facebook page, and people seemed to enjoy it! A bit of a relief, given I don't think I've ever posted a video of myself playing the violin. Maybe we'll have to make another video, depending on how long this whole situation goes on this space!

We've just smashed some bacon & avocado toast, and now heading out for a longish, socially-distanced walk to hit our daily exercise quota. Have a lovely weekend, wherever in the world you are!

*for a KS fandom point, name the arranger of this classic KS number!