April 3, 2020

Lockdown Blog 13: Back to the future

Hello again everyone!

Following on from my last blog, I have been thinking about all the positives of being on lockdown.

As many of you may know, when I joined The King's Singers, I moved back to my family home in the Midlands while I settled into the new life. It was only ever temporary but it has brought lots of joy (as well as some challenges at times!).

As a result of being here, with no where else to go, I have passed the time by rediscovering many of the fun things I enjoyed as a boy, but have since been forgotten.

I thought I'd share some pictures of my exploits. (As you will see, many of them feature Daisy; she is still a very curious puppy!)

I have titled this blog back to the future as I hope that when the coronavirus is long gone, in our new future, I may have time to enjoy some of these activities once again.

Here goes...

Long dog walks in the Warwickshire countryside
(gluten-free of course!)
Cooking (and playing) with fire!
This one is not strictly on topic but I couldn't resist; it's Daisy carrying logs to me to build the fire from the chopping area!
Chilling with the pets :-)
Star gazing
(the very bright spot to the right of the moon is Venus)
I have dusted off my oboe; while I am very rusty, I can still just about remember the basics, and it is bringing me much joy!
Playing in the garden
(it was very hard keeping Daisy from playing with the ball)
Learning recipes from my mum
Running; ten years since doing cross-country means there is lot of catching up to do
I am currently about a quarter of the way through my Bond film marathon
(I think the old ones are the best!)

Anyway I hope you enjoyed those!

I'm sending all of you good thoughts and I hope you and your families are keeping well.

Until the next time,


Instagram: @edwardbutton1